Well it started out with several misses on does in early bow season. I just couldn seem to connect! It is my first year hunting with an arrow I completely made myself. It’s a hardwood shaft with feathers from a goose my buddy shot and tipped with a head I cut out of a skillsaw blade. I was using a 65” 60#@ 26 hickory self bow but then I hurt my shoulder playing hockey. So I couldn’t pull my bow for several weeks. So during that time I made a little osage self bow that my hurt shoulder could handle. It turned out to be 59” 40#@26 inches and light as a feather. I finished staining the bow last night when my buddy called and asked if I wanted to hunt in the morning. My bow wasn’t completely finished and my shoulder wasn’t completely healed but it is the last weekend of bow season and I hadn’t got a deer. So twisted up a string and took a few shots. It felt pretty good so this morning I headed out to the stand with him. He hunted one area and I hunted his stand. It was so foggy I couldn’t see a hundred yards and as it got light I realized that the cut corn field I was hunting over was tilled over and was nothing but mud. So I decided to sneak into the woods a ways. As I snuck along the tree line I spotted a buck out in the field out at the edge of the fog. If he were to come in to me he would be directly downwind but I decided to give the bleat can a try anyway. I stepped behind some brush and hit the doe bleat. He stopped whatever it is he was doing and beelined for my treeline. As he walked closer I thought to myself, “hes gonna wind me for sure If he comes close enough to shoot” But he never did, He walked right downwind of me apparently intent on finding thae sexy little doe he heard. He stepped out from into my shooting lane at five yards and I was already at full draw. I dumped the string and watched the arrow bury itself tight behind the shoulder!!! As he ran off I could see my arrow stickin out both sides of him! And I got that feelin you get when you know you made a good shot! I have always wanted to kill one on the ground but could never get it done. A rut dumb buck helped fix that! I have been tryin so hard this year to get a deer with homemade arrows and it didn’t look like it was going to happen with gun season starting Monday! I wasn’t positive how well that light poundage would perform on a deer. I knew it would kill it but was not prepared to see the arrow sticking out both sides. of him! The broadhead put a deep slice in the heart! I’m so pumped, He isn’t a monster by any means but with the tackle I’m using he is a trophy to me! Oh and should be good eatin! I'll add pictures as my buddy sends them to me off his phone!