Well, I finally got to hunt a piece of property I have been wanting to hunt for a little over a year today, and going in the owner told me to cut off 5 minutes of walking and go thru the cow pasture. So I did...More on that in a minute...I got to where I was told deer are going to be, at 1 PM, and that's when I realized I forgot my book. So there I am on a little oak knole in the middle of a swamp and just birds to look at, and look at birds I did for 4 hrs till 5 PM when a very respectable spike snuck in at 30 yards, and didn't even think of coming closer. The wind was blowing from him to I, but he had other thoughts on his mind, and passed to grow bigger for next year. The trails in that swamp resembled a small city. There were so many intersections that had mud churned up that I have a very good feeling I will be back again.
So there I am, a couple minutes before I need a flashlight walking out of the swamp, and up to the pasture. This is where the beginning of this story picks back up...I go thru the gate to the cow pasture, to cut off 5 minutes of walking (For the simple fact that I'm lazy when it comes to an easier way sometimes) and instantly knew the feeling of being an Indian back 300 years ago. I quickly found out that cows that don't mind you walking thru their pasture during daylight, have a different attitude at dark. All I could hear was hoves coming, and coming quick. If you have never been 50 feet from safety, and having 25 black cows charge you at night when you can't see them, please let me explain the feeling. My pucker factor went from normal to not able to crap a greased needle in about a nano second, then realization that a longbow with 3 cedar arrows and bear razorheads were probably not the best choice to face an angry mob of cows. I never new it was possible, but Carl Lewis had nothing on me tonight. I made that 50 foot run in about 4 steps, and when I reached the gate I had closed, I without knowing how, cleared that gate with a full backpack longbow in hand, and lacross rubber boots on, and I don't remember touching the gate. You see I did somehow remember her telling me not to touch the fence because it was electrified. So, there I am out of the pasture, laying on my belly with my foldup chair, that was on the side of my backpack, now underneath me. I looked back at what had caused me so much greaf, and there they all stood 10 feet from the fence, lined up in a neat little line (shoulder to shoulder) staring at this thing that just tried to enter their territory. Well, I quickly decided that it was a good night for a walk/limp around the farm this evening, and I'll be darned if those cows didn't keep false charging me as I walked the fence back to my truck. I could only imagine what it must have been like to be an Indian on the great plains without having an electric fence to give you that felling of safety.
I have this feeling hunting this property is going to get me in shape, that or I'm going to have to figure out how to get a cow in the back of my truck. Not that that thought had ever crossed my mind, but next time I'll tell someone else to stand their ground just to see what would have happened. Any Takers? LOL