As you know there are tremendous fans of every recurve out there.
I've been doing a lot of looking and buying this year. I'd do it different if I were starting now.
Although I don't want to diss any of my current holdings, if I were to buy a bow for my son today I'd buy him a Schafer Silvertip. I can't give a higher recommendation than that. By the way, I don't even own a Schafer ... mine isn't due until April. However, I did try one for a few days and was "sold" after my first few shots.
If you don't care about nice woods, the best shooter I own is a new Strickland Stick. He will even send you one for two weeks to try. It comes in 58, 60, & 62". It has a metal riser and a fantastic, highly thought out grip...modeled after older bows. It's the one that's been with me on 33 trips to the treestands this year. It comes completely camoflauged. Designed by a fellow who has been the coach of many Olympians and is a fantatic traditional hunter.