Theme is the various names of the Panthera onca, the jaguar.
While the jaguar employs the deep-throat bite-and-suffocation technique, it prefers a killing method unique amongst cats: it pierces directly through the temporal bones of the skull between the ears of prey (especially the Capybara) with its canine teeth, piercing the brain. The jaguar has the strongest bite of all felines. (One bad kitty!)
Black Panther
El Tigre
Yaguar Tupi- Guarani(Native Indian) name meaning ‘ beast’
Yaguara Native Indian- ‘a beast that kills its prey with one bound’
Yaguareté Native Indian name meaning ‘ true beast’
Jaguar English derivative from the Tupi-Guarani language
Black Panther Melanistic forms are relatively common in the Americas
El Tigre Many Central and S. American countries ("the tiger")