I am not familiar with them, but they don't appear horrible from what I could search up about them. I am leery of anything with moving parts, and serrations do not appeal to me, but if you have the ability to sharpen them I guess they are not horrible. I don't know if any of the "spin wound channel" has any merit, but at least it is a cut-on-contact broadhead and that's a start.
I have a modest collection of about 120 different glue-on broadheads from the 30's to present. I can show you worse designs that have been launched as big-game heads.
I prefer the KISS approach: Keep It Simple and Single-bladed. If it has any moving part throw it out immediately. Mouse-trap crap.
Some of the most deadly looking (like the Browning Serpentine and Red Bow Star) are the least effective and most prone to failure at the hide/bone. You wonder if some of these guys ever went outside, let along hunted large animals.
Take heart, the worst designs make the most interesting collectables.