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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Arrow #4 Goes for Another Ride...story and pix added,Blood trail video added pg.6  (Read 4031 times)

Offline Gerardo

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Is this a HOW TO for story telling?
Gerardo Rodriguez

Offline Altiman94

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The suspense is KILLING ME

Offline bowhunterfrompast

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:campfire:    :coffee:
Rick Wakeman
UBM Lifetime Member
American Broadhead Collectors Club

Offline Stone Knife

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Enough is enough Curt, it's time to spill the beans   :coffee:
Proverbs 12:27
The lazy do not roast any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

John 14:6

Offline Guru

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Very, very, very sorry fellas.....I was planning on finishing after work yesterday, but came down with some kind of bug during the day.

Off to suffer thru another day of work, but should be able to finish later.

Truely sorry....wasn't my intent    :pray:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06


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I know how this one ends  :clapper:    :goldtooth:  

You really haven't hunted the old fashion way until you've done it from one of these Indian houses.(The Tipi) "Glenn ST. Charles"

Offline swp

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Then you tell the story Tracy.... :)
"People say you can't go back, its like when you get to the edge of a cliff and you take one more step forward or you do a 180 degree turn and take one more step forward. Which way are you going? Which one is progress?" Doug Tompkins

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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I hope you feel Better Curt.  :campfire:

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Offline Bill Carlsen

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Pictures now would do...story can come later. No?
The best things in life....aren't things!


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You can eat the chicken soup at the computer.

Hope you feel better sooon buddy.


Offline Mike Gerardi

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Hope ya feel better buddy. Being sick and working suks.

Offline Nole

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I hope you get to felling better.  Can't wait to hear the story.

Offline Guru

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Again, sorry for the long delay....I hate being sick!

Any way last Saturday I was on my big oak again in my old Staghorn hiker.

At the very first hint of daylight I could hear a deer approaching. Within a couple minutes I could barely make it out on the hillside behind me. With my binoculars I could tell it was a doe.

It was getting light enough to shoot, and I started to hear what I thought might be another deer. But for the life of me I couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from, or see anything.  

I got to thinking I must be hearing things, or the doe on the hill was just confusing me.

 But then, I clearly heard a deer walking close by again and just as looked around again, it appeared walking out from behind the massive oak I was in about 12 yds. away.

As it walked out I thought to myself, about the old saying...."never look a gift horse in the mouth".

"Timex" was hanging on that side of the tree, so it was just a matter of getting it in my hand and it was right in position to shoot.

At 10yds. I picked my spot, drew, and released a razor sharp Snuffer 160 tipped CX 60/75.

It was still low light, but I could my arrow was pretty close to perfect, but didn't really see it hit.

After 30yds. of crashing, and within about 10 seconds it was over...I luv it when it happens like that!

I looked with my Leica's and sure enough there was my arrow, stuck in the ground, covered bright red!

I nocked another arrow, and settled in. Within minutes a little 5 point showed up. He walked right up to a stump about 50yds off to my left and stuck his head right in it. I figured he was drinking some trapped water out of it...

He offered a great shot at about 25yds...

From my stand...

Since I had more tags, and it was a great morning, I stayed right on stand till 10:00 even though I had a deer down.

When I finally got down the first thing I did was go over to the stump to see what the 5 pt. was so interested in. It was very moist inside the stump, but there wasn't any water really. Wonder if maybe there was some acorns in there??

Same stand I killed the doe out of 2 weeks ago. the massive Oak, with my old Stahorn stand...

Same arrow I shot my doe with...3 1/2 hours later the blood was dried...

hang on, more in a minute....
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline woodchucker

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Hmmmm... Don't let him breath on ya, Sounds like "Buck Fever"  ;)  

(Hope ya feel better soon Curt!!!!!)
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

There is a fine line between Hunting, & Sitting there looking Stupid...

May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows..... Happy Hunting!!!

Offline Big Ed

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Way to go bud!!!
"Get kids involved in the outdoors"

Offline Guru

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For some reason, for about 20 feet it was hard to believe this deer was shot with a razor sharp Snuffer 160...

But within 10-12 yds. it was back to business as usual with a Snuffer 160! Just a few examples of the trail...and this deer was running the whole time!

This never gets old! Another fat doe for the freezer!


Sorry if some of you guys were expecting a big old buck after all this wait. And, sorry also if some are thinking "all this for just a doe"....but to me they're all very special!

Thanx for your patience, and thanx for the  get well wishes       :notworthy:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Huntrdfk

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No need to be sorry at all Curt, that's a great shot and a great job on a great doe!!!!!

Thanks for sharing, though I have to confess I was kind of hoping this one included a dad and son in ghillies.......     :pray:  

TGMM Family of The Bow
PBS Regular Member

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell

Offline magnus

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Great story and pictures. Thanks for sharing! No such thing as just a doe!!!

Keeping the Faith!
Keeping the Faith!
TGMM Family of the bow
 Turkey Flite Traditional  
[email protected]

Offline Huntschool

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Good deer Curt...  Good story
Bruce A. Hering
Program Coordinator (retired)
Southeastern Illinois College
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Black Widow Bows
AMM 761

Offline gregg dudley

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Great story, Curt!  Congratulations on the doe.

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
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