First three stands no takers fourth stand one hung up way out there.Fith stand, got in a dry ditch to the end of where an almond and olive orchards meet.Made a cuople of load screams with the howler then some rabbit screams. Waited a few minutes and started the rodent death cries with my squirrel call. Ten minutes into the stand I see movement between the row between the olives and almonds. It gets to the end goes behind a brush pile, pops out the left takes a few steps . The arrow is on its way hits just right off center. The coyote spins with one front leg in the air and biting at its chest goes about ten yards and piles up.About 18yard shot.
My ground blind small ditch.
View from stand to the hit coyote is left of my quiver.
Coyote to my blind.
We have lots of mainge ,our winters are not that cold so they can go a long time with almost no hair. Whats a good way to sterilize an arrow.