I've hunted my last three trips from a tripod at a favorite spot, and have become used to shooting from them. I like that you aren't terribly high up and that natural shooting isn't compromised too much.
I want to learn how to set them up amongst trees effectively and to better hide myself. On my last trip the tripod was situated for a while in a spot that was up against a cedar tree that looked like somebody pruned the bottom like a giant q-tip with no cover at the bottom. I hated that setup and the deer that came in immediately began staring at you. They wouldn't run but looked at me constantly. Drawing the bow was impossible because they were so close. So, we moved the tripod to a spot where we used to have it, with lots of room around it and trees behind it and high bushes almost to your feet as you sat in the tripod. It seemed to spook the deer and hogs. In this spot previously I killed my first hog. This time the hogs would come right to the edge of my tripod leg, just beneath me, and no further. I could have dropped a rock on their heads!
Why did they not like the new setup? Could have been the wind, I don't know.
Is there a rule to setting these things up to hide you really well? Do you need to be right up against a tree or have it touching your back? Should I set it into a tree like a brush blind and cut a shooting lane? Was I too exposed? Need some help here...