guys thanks for your responses, i agree with all but two, how can anyone just stand there and watch anything suffer, for who knows how long? i have to be honest, my first thought was not to let him suffer anymore. i couldn't even see him breathing, he was not going to get up. if i thought for one minute he would, i'd let him go with my best wishes and hope to see him next year. for most of us KILLING something is not the cold hearted thing we do when hunting, it's the harvesting, and the finality of all that goes with hunting. it was only after i put him down that i even thought about whether i should call the game warden or would it cost me my tag. i wondered if he was hit by a car, or had a disease. i can't shoot a stray dog, cat, ect. but when something is suffering that's a whole new story. years ago me and my friend were returning home, his doberman ran out in front of my car, it broke his back, my friend gave me his gun to shoot him, he couldn't stand to see him howling. right, wrong or indifferent, i felt i did the right and only thing i could at the time. i didn't kill him illegal. and yes i do have a good harness and a treestand with armrest, i wouldn't have known if the world record walked by. i'm glad i'll never know, or someone would have to shoot me.