I didn't think this day was ever going to happen, We had been talking about it for quite a while be it turkeys or deer. But every time we tried planning it out we just couldn't get together.
Then came the phone call from Charlie " I drew a Kansas buck tag Yeehaw!! The hunt was on and I would do my best to drive him a little crazy for the next few months with some of the good buck pictures we had been getting with are trail cams.
Kansas changed there opening dates from Oct 1st to Sept 20Th a few years ago and that opens up some great hunting with a chance at really patterning some of the deer that are hitting the standing crops while still in the fields mostly the soybeans. We spend alot of time watching are deer in several locations but they soon disappear when the crops are gone and head for the timber.
My oldest son had chosen the deer he would like to go after, He's a fantastic deer that we had been watching for 3 years now and really grew this last year. Here's the first two picks we got of him this year.
This left me with the decision of what deer to put Charlie on. One buck was my favorite and I missed him opening day last year after spending months patterning him. A poacher moved in and pushed him out soon after and I thought he was gone for good. I hate trespassers!!! Fortunately the buck showed back up this year in the same place and was going to give us another chance.
He's a very cool buck with a ton of mass and looks like a Mule deer so we named him the "Mulie buck"
A true Kansas giant!! Now all I had to do was get Charlie set up for him.