We all know there are a lot of deer in Westchester County. Most of them aren't so tame as first thought. Simply "Rut Crazed" is a good way to put it! Anyway...
Our Master Guide Greg sent me out there with a hand drawn map, on a post-it no less. Had the little area of heavy cover (that I dig so much) with rock walls, trails, ridges and land mines all factored in scale wise. So... I just did what Greg said and saw deer right away.
First was a buck out at 50yds or so. He didn't see me cause I was in the cover and he was out in the open. Took my time after him but no luck. About an hour later and in the same general area another small buck comes running down the hill straight at me. Bow is up, arrow nocked, deer 20yds broadside, head down feeding...... FEVER! SHAKES! Couldn't draw the bow!

As he walked into the thick stuff I tried to snake over the rock wall between us and got busted. Still a happy camper. Saw three doe waiting to be picked up before dark. Great day in my book.
Then came Saturday... As posted in "Does Almost Count For Something" Same spot because "You had action there and know your way around." Said my trusty guide Greg. (aka Hippie, get a hair cut!) Well, back up there real slow like and on a deer trail when a nice buck jumps off the logging road and onto the same trail as I. Head on at 20yds, no shot. Now down to 15yds and no shot. Cover between us at 10yds, head on, no shot. You guessed it, 5yds and still no shot! Now this fella is within TWO YARDS with a thorn bush between us and I think he might bite me real soon....... As he lowers his head to go under a branch between us I get busted and (he) turns inside out to get outa there! A shot at him in hyper speed missed and killed a tree.
Going over that chain of events tells me that timing was a big factor. If I were three steps ahead or behind on that trail the outcome may have been a lot different. Then again, I love the stalking bit so much, I'll just have to do it with an always ready attitude. ** Off To The Side Of Deer Trails For A Broadside Shot! **
Couldn't have been in better company. Thanks to Greg, his folks, Jamie and Chris for a great time.