I also don't want to spend that kind of cash for the type of hunting I do, but I am certain the stuff is great.
I have a pair of the cheaper (relatively) Columbia wool pants and with 1 layer (2 tops when it's really cold) of polypro and I have to say I never have gotten cold. I only wear them once temps get down to freezing or below or if it's cold and rainy. I think they are in the $70-$80 price range. On top I have a Cabelas wool shirt (fleece on the inside) and it literally becomes my jacket. That was about $70 also, but I don't think they sell that one anymore. I layer with polypro accoring to temps and use a Berber vest as well in combination. Nice wool is great stuff I'm sure, probably more durable, etc., but this stuff has done a nice job for me and is in the price range I am willing to spend. I do want to try the Asbell and/or Longhunter wool from Ron LaClair at some point.