"I already get 3-months-plus to bowhunt here in IL, and I wouldn't feel right about taking a gun tag away from someone else (who may only hunt with a gun) just so I can hunt two more weekends with my bow."
This is an issue I have thought about also. However, in my county I know of nobody who is denied a firearm tag. In years past, I applied as late as the third lottery, and still received the tags for which I applied.
Also, although the season is open for 3+ months I work M-F so the weekends are all I have to hunt, aside from my two weeks of vacation I save for hunting every year. So, because I choose to hunt with a bow, I am losing 4 days every year because of the firearm season, two of which are during the rut!
What would be wrong if the bow tags were valid throughout the firearm season? They allow it for the muzzleloader and two late-winter seasons. Deer numbers are extremely high, so why not allow a large number of people, who typically sit-out the firearm season, to attempt to take another deer or two?