Sorry folks, work is always getting in the way of the fun stuff!
This little guy kept me amused most of the evening! He was out looking for love!
A one "point" he was really close!
Right at dark I had four does stroll on by. I thought they were heading one way but then they took a quick left
The beauty of having a son who is bigger and stronger! Drag time is soooo easy!
As I was field dressing the doe my phone vibrated in my pocket. My son, had also shared in the fortune and had shot a nice doe!
He said his shot looked good but maybe an inch or two back. The WW head left us a pretty good trail but just too be sure we'd give her some time and take my deer home. After quartering up my doe and dinner we headed back to the farm. The trail was good but the arrow and ground sign definitely told the story....the arrow was a little farther back. We headed home for the night :( The waiting game is so tough, especially on the young folks....