This afternoon after a month carefully monitoring the movements of a 160 class ten pointer, I was going to get my chance. The wind shifted from where the group of deer he was with were bedding towards where they have been feeding, so it was my chance to get into the pattern. The buck with the does, fawns and lesser bucks enter the field just before sundown. The ten pointer was separated from the group about 45 yards out and angling towards me. When he was about thirty yards out a blue green small chevy suv slammed on the brakes on the road. They backed up to the field drive and drove onto the corn field flashing their lights and yelling out the window.
The deer all bolted, I was in plain sight of the suv, but I stood up and started walking towards them. They pulled out of the field back to the road, stopped and the driver yelled out some real intelligently worded mockery, as you can imagine, out at me. They floored it and took off. I have seen this vehicle a number of times before. Since I am the only longbow shooter in the area, they all know who I am and my vehicle was only 50 feet from where they entered the field, they knew I was there. I will meet them again, how stupid can even a compound/shotgun deer hunter get?