As dawn broke this morning I was in a ladder stand I'd set up for Dad just a short distance from my parents house.
It's rifle season here, so by Mom and Dads house is one of only two places I feel "safe" hunting. Some here know my backround with bowhunting during gun season. Not good
As a matter of fact, last fall was the very first time I'd gone out during gun season since 2003.
Before it was even light enough to see, I could hear deer in the distance...sounding like they were coming closer...but also some running. So I thought perhaps a buck was around.
Then finally, when it was barely light enough to see...behind me, about 50 yds. away I saw two does trot by and disappear to the south of me. I could hear other deer, but never did see them.
About 15 minutes or so later, just after a text to Terry Receveur...I heard something behind me again, but this time over my right shoulder.
I turned and saw a doe, about 40 yds. away, but walking closer. Then another and another....
There were at least 4, and more were coming as the lead doe was walking by at about 25-30yds.
Now normally, I wouldn't think twice about shooting this doe, but just as she was right where I could have shot her....I looked back and saw a buck. Not a big one, but it was a buck!
For the last four years, I've only shot does, passing up too many small bucks to remember....waiting for the "big guys".
Heck I've even shot does right out from in front of bucks that were hot on their trail. It's been a long time since I even considered shooting a buck this size.
But as soon as I saw him, for whatever reason, I just "knew" it was time to kill a buck.
The lead doe looked right at me, I thought for a minute the jig was up. But holding as still as humanly possible, I passed her test after about 30 seconds.
I really don't know haw many does and fawns there was....probably 6-7. The buck was hanging back about 20yds. behind the last doe, so as she passed my last opportunity to shoot her, I hoped I hadn't made a mistake holding out for this buck. But he was following the exact way these does had come in....oh boy!
This was not going to be what has come to be my average shot of about 5-15yds....this was a bit of a "poke"...
I normally don't like to stop deer if they're real close, but he wasn't. So as he worked his way thru the brial thicket and into the only spot I could shoot, I mouth grunted...nothing, then a little louder as he took a couple more steps and quartered slightly away...still nothing...
Then I just about yelled at him as I started to draw ...he locked up and the arrow was gone...
Like I said earlier, my shots are usually very close....but this one was different....I actually remember seeing it arch, seemingly in slow motion...and as best as I could tell dissappeared right where I was looking!
He turned away and crashed up the hill away from me heading for an old overgrown orchard...after about 30yds he was swallowed up by the brush and it sounded like he stopped just after going out of sight.
I stood as still as possible and just listened....