Here is an email that I just got from a buddy of mine.
"Hunted in the pouring rain and gusting winds at about 8000 feet in elevation. Made our way down a draw where we had spotted three pigs down below in the thick fog. As we neared to 50 yards the boar broke off the group and started to feed on his own. We snuck around and got in position in front of the boar as he crept closer and closer. I was going to take a 15 yard shot at first, but decided to let down and have him come closer. At 10 yards I took the first shot and missed, hitting a rock between me and the boar. He picked his head up for a bit then went back to feed. Took a second shot just under 10 yards and the arrow passed right through the front leg and out the shoulder (breaking the front leg). The boar fell over for a second then stood back up, spotted me reloading another arrow and tried to charge at me on three legs. Quickly took a couple steps to the side, drew, and shot again pretty much at my feet. If the shot had not broken one of the boar's legs, I would definitely have him on me; no question about that. But he would have died real fast soon after, as the shot was pretty solid through the heart or very near it."

Ryan and Bronston bowhunting Mauna Kea.