Here's the way I understand it... you may hunt with a bow during the firearms (shotgun, ML, legal handguns, and Pistol Cartridge Rifles)season which just closed this past Sunday... but you must use an archery tag... which was around $150.00 if I remember right for non-residents...
You are not allowed to carry both weapons, even if you have a bow tag and a firearms tag...
Our late season opens this coming Saturday, Dec 4th for archery, and ML. To use a bow, you again must use an archery tag... to hunt with a ML you must have a ML tag... again you cannot carry both weapons in the woods...
We also have what are called Bonus County tags... not available in all counties and then they vary depending on what county that are available as well... they are either sex only and any legal weapon... the first costs 150.00 or so also, but then the next are reduced substantially... like 20.00 or so...
I'm not sure what non-resident license you have purchased in the past... all our deer tags are weapons dependant... except the bonus county antlerless...
Sorry this is so long, but I've probably left something out...
PM my your phone number if you wish and I'll give you a call today... I'm home on vacation and it's raining and we have a week buffer between firearms and late season...