Sometimes, when someone is cited for violating shooting hours the officer believes they have broken other laws and this is the only one they can document at the time. During an "interview" with the cited hunter, if they've done other things wrong they often fess up. I definitely wouldn't live in fear of being cited walking to and from or even being in the stand before or after legal shooting times.
The main point I'm making in my posts is we (bowhunters) have a bit of a reputation (with some officers) for ignoring shooting time rules because it is so much easier for us to do so stealthily. When that duck hunter unloads a volley 10 minutes early - everyone in the marsh knows. Same for the public land firearms deer hunter.
I would rather we were the group, as many of the posts above point out, with a reputation of following the letter of the law because we know it and choose to. We claim (and I believe rightly so)to be very ethical hunters, part of that ethic is to know and obey game laws. There are other parts of our ethic that go above and beyond the law -- for example, those above who aren't comfortable shooting even close to sundown for fear of losing an animal -- that is an ethic above and beyond and is to be commended.