I am semi new to shooting a bow and hunting in general. This is my second full season hunting with a recurve and third year hunting at all. I have harvested 3 deer with my bow. 1 last year and 2 this year.
I shoot a bear recurve 55# with cedar arrows (3 rivers hunter arrows) with 125 grain 2 blade broadheads.
I was told by some guys (who have shot traditional equipment for a long time, maybe over 40 years in one case) on a hunt a few weeks ago to shoot as heavy of an arrow as I can and they suggested shooting a hardwood arrow instead of cedar arrows to get some extra weight and maybe upgrade to 145 heads as well.
So I did some research and I think I would like to shoot maple arrows, but I have some questions for you guys.
1) who makes a good maple arrow and do they have a web site?
2) Will swithching to a maple arrow give me the added weight I am looking for?
3) By Switching to the maple arrows alone will I increase my force at impact?
4) Does anyone make bright pink feathers for fletchings? (want to make arrows easy to find in the woods)
4) Long question: So I had an idea to help me out on my arrow. I would like to place 6 inches of pink, orange, or yellow paint on the arrow 8 inches above my broadhead. I have in 2 situations questioned the amount of penetration I saw on the deer as it ran away. I think having the paint will help me decifer the information quickly as the deer runs away. The paint would also help me find my arrow if it gets broken off from the fletching (happened once to me so far, and looking for an arrow with no fletching becomes looking for a stick in a forest of sticks) So my questions about this are:
a) Will the paint affect arrow flight?
b) do you think a custome arrow guy will paint this area on the shaft of the arrow?
Thanks for your help guys...as you know Cabelas and other sporting goods places look at me like I am speaking french when I ask them about traditional stuff.