I really like my Sitka camo clothes, but more for the function of the clothing than the camo pattern. There is a certain romance in the old plaids and I've killed more than a couple deer wearing old school plaid.
This picture is one of my favorites and you can't believe how many comments (most of them negative) it got me from guys who saw it. I just laughed. Notice how while the Advantage pants (actually bibs) match the forest floor pretty well, the coat would be VERY close to the bark on this tree. By the way, it is the same pattern as one of Rob Tiberio's Classic Bowman patterns.
Also, FWIW, right now my local Wal-Mart has tons of shirt-jacs on sale, several of which would be quite functional as bowhunting garb. Faded Glory is one brand. Cheap, warm, soft, quiet...if that's your style, better go check 'em out.