iwent to my stand last eve. but i wanted to be over in a different spot so i left my stand, and went and stood by a big old rotten triple tree. and as light was starting to fade i see deer coming fast,from my left , so i scootched my feet around and got ready for a quick shot. he was trailing two little does, and they passed me at about 18-20 yds. i didnt step it off,i had about a 4 ft. opening where he would be quartering away. as he got to that spot i drew and anchored,ithink i did,it was pretty fluid. he did duck and roll away from me at the shot, the arrow hit way far back. so i knew it was gutt,damnit!. soon as he diapeared i slipped over to see any sighn and look for my arrow, i found the front 6 inches of the arrow without the broadhead. so iknew i had two holes thats good thing,RITE. better than one.so i backed out to come back this morning, i was all prepared for a long day of tracking. but i found him maybe a hundred yards into it. just got lucky this time...it is my first trad buck,ive taken some does, but this is the first with handles. i guess he layed down pretty quick after the shot. i dont think he died on his feet. arrow.