Light was starting to fade, so I decided to get out of the treestand a little early because I wasn't sure of the step placement. I was gonna stillhunt back to the house. No sooner did I get to the base of the tree than I heard a noise to the northeast. I saw a black blob coming straight toward me kinda quick. I new it was the same big hog that I had missed before, and when he got around 15 yards away he angled sharply away from me for some reason. He was slightly uphill and I new this was my only chance, so I took it with him angled pretty good away from me. He squealed, well, like a pig, and took off over the rise. I thought that I heard him fall, but I wanted to give him a little time. I texted a buddy to tell him that I shot a big hog and as soon as I put the phone up a doe made her way in from a field to the west. She started acting up, stomping her feet, and I had no idea what her problem was. Apparently the hog had urinated all over himself when he died, and the doe wasn't liking it. I thought that she was coming straight for me, but I think she was circling around to get a look at the hog. She must have had enough, and turned 180 degrees away from the hog and started to walk off. That was 18 yards and broadside for me, thank you very much. She ran up the woodlot, and I heard what I though was her going down.