Doug, we hunt there every year, at least twice. I've been twice this year allready, and plan a Jan hunt. It can be tough, but there is soooo much of it ! 107,000 acres in KY alone. The acorns are plentifull this year, which makes it even tougher. My experience with a heavy mast crop is forget the corn, they want the nuts instead. Geen field will yeild, (wheat,food plot plantings) or hunt saddles of oak ridges. Hunt the terrain..., when mast is plentifull they have food everywhere, so hunt pinch points of easy travel on those steep ridges, low ridges,2-3 ridges coming together, and lots of times back in deep, where most guys won't bother to walk to. The food plots by major roads get hammered with hunting pressure, and usually get nocturnal visits only. Think limited access, and strap on some comfortable walking shoes. Good luck!