Usually shoot 64-68 inch recurves out of treestands. Easier than from the ground, thats for sure!
Make sure you take several shots from a treestand before hunting from it, then clear whatever you need to. But leave as much as possible! If a deer comes close but is in a position where you can't fully draw your bow, DONT SHOOT! Relax, your life does not depend on that deer (for most of us.) If it did we would be snaring them in leg traps, not bowhunting.
Cracks me up when people say they need 60 inch or shorter bows to hunt from trees, if they ever saw the giant bows I've successfully shot they'd never believe it! Took a buck once with a 1969 72" Herters Perfection target bow at 50#'s from a hemlock.
Every one of my 22 treestands is the 29.99 dollar hang on stand from the Sportsmans Guide. I buy camo wratchet straps and secure the stand to the tree with two straps. ROCK SOLID. Don't care about the cable or chains that came with them. I'm 205 naked, and these stands easily take my weight, are cheap and can go just about anywhere. Sneak them in the tighest spots, no sweat!