I thought I'd let you guys have a little look at my new bow.
It is a 64" Siren, pulling 55#@28", or 62# at my 31" draw. The riser is a combination of some very figured cocobolo and some flatgrain gray actionwood. The limbs have actionboo cores and cocobolo lams. I wasn't sure how the riser combo would turn out, but Jim said to just trust him. He was right, I wouldn't change one single thing.
The finish is very flat with no chance of anything glaring off it. It shows no fingerprints and has a very soft feel to it. If I'm not mistaken, it is some sort of automotive finish, which should be very durable.
The tips are a work of art and are extremely well done. The string is a high quality 10 strand FF and I added some muskrat fur silencers.
I decided to use a set of AD Hammerheads out of this bow. They are a little more tolerant of headweights than other shafts I've tried. Besides, they're as tough a shaft as you can ask for. I shoot them full length with a cap wrap and 4x4 fletching. With my choice of a 200 grain point and the aluminum insert, they weigh 700 grains.
After fooling around with the nock and brace heights, I settled on a top nock point of 7/16" and a brace height of 7-3/4".
The Siren has a very smooth feel and seems to have a very linear pull. I can feel no stacking even when pulling an inch or so past my draw length. There isn't any finger pinch at all, either. At the shot, the bow is very dead in the hand. I initially determined the brace height by finding the quietest spot while shooting without silencers on the string. Once I added the muskrat fur, it further quietened down to nothing more than a thump. It's not as quiet as my hill bow, but then, what is?
This Siren sends that 700 grain arrow out with some authority. I really couldn't guess the fps, but 62# at 31" really spits them out. It ought to do the deed on any hog I come across.
I also have one of Jim's Banshees. It is the same poundage, but a 62". They both have effectively the same amount of working limbs, but the Banshee has a more forward handle design and thus a higher brace height. An impromptu and decidedly unscientific shoot off between the two revealed the Siren would launch the same arrow a little faster than the Banshee. While the Banshee is a spectacular bow in it's own right, I think I prefer the Siren. I'll do a more in depth comparison of the two when it warms up some.
Here are some pics. I'll get some of the limbs and a full draw pic later.