I read on here about people wanting to head out west to chase mulies,elk,moose and so on. I see how so many tradgangers save and plan for months if not years to make the trip. I have been lucky to have chase many western big game animals even harvested a few of them. I have a differant dream hunt than most but the whitetail deer has my emagination. Don't get me wrong I would not hesitate to go on a wilderness caribou hunt if had the money but a DIY whitetail hunt could happen more often. I don't know if its because there is so much liticher on whitetails or if it's because their not were I live but I want to hunt them bad. I think about hunting them alot and have been putting in some research on tactics and places to hunt the last few years. I even see the appeal to hunt heavy hunted public land. If you what to throw in your 2 cents about hunting them,pictures,ideas,favorite states/places or just how passionate you feel about whitetails, feel free to chime in. Thankyou for any replys it will help with the day dreaming.