I just recieved this email and picture From Cliff (liquid Amber) We delivered one of our 56" recurves to him last May.
Congratulations on the porkchops Cliff
I spent a week in South Carolina. Saw a number of bucks but none in range.One evening a sounder of hogs came in to a water oak nearby. After enjoying their "lack" of table manners and rude behavior for a few moments, a perfect size and sex [70# and female] for the grill offered itself up. Being a cool looking hog with a nice, black spot in the right place, I took advantage of my good fortunate and zipped her. Pass through with a Wenzel head, a short dash and I heard it kicking its last. The others disappeared in a cloud of dust. Easy drag for my son-in-law since I was set up on the edge of one of the Plantations main roads and the hog was rooting in the road ditch.
The shorter length has proved to be an advantage from my lock-on stands,
just what I was looking for. Good bow.
Cliff Huntington