How many of you have read the book about Chester Stevenson- "In the Den of the Old Bowhunter"???
The most amazing thing about that book for me was the fact that he would pull out a map, decide on a place he had never seen, ride a train with a backpack holding a pot, a fork and spoon, a compass, a knife,his bow and quiver, and a bedroll.
He would get off that train in the middle of nowhere, stay in the wilds for two weeks at a time and get picked up a hundred miles away from where he got off the train.
No guides, no outfitter, no horses, and usually him and one other person. Homemade bows, arrows, a plaid wool coat,pants and a Kangol hat,a pair of sturdy boots and a few socks - he was hunting in wild country!!!!
We have it easy today. Save up a little jack and use the internet, talk to others who have been, and get out there and make yourself some memories. Don't sit at home and watch it on TV! Who cares if you get something- GO GO GO!!!!!!!