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Author Topic: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE  (Read 2656 times)

Offline dirtguy

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2010, 06:10:00 PM »
As many have said, the classifieds here are a great source of used bows.  I have bought three bows here and all have been just as advertised or better.  You can get a lot for you money.  

BUT that begin said, your parents have the say here.  I have shot all three of the bows you listed.  Any one of them will hunt just fine.  The Martin is a 60 inch bow, the bear is 58 inches.  I remember the Martin feeling pretty smooth I shot a 45 lb - my favorite draw weight. Didn't have any strong impressions from the Samick.  

As said above, go shoot each of them and then decide.  Its much more a matter of personal preference.

And ditto on what Paul said - let us know!

Offline JGoemaat

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2010, 06:22:00 PM »
My opinion is if you spend less now you'll always be wanting the next bow on your list. There are plenty of sweet customers on the classifieds where you could get a lot of bang for your buck. I started with a used BW and was the best decision I made. Just one guys opinion.

If you stick to Cabelas the Martin Savanna is a good bow.

Offline Possum Head

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2010, 06:54:00 PM »
My son-in law owns a Samik Red Stag and I've shot it numerous times.It seems to perform well and is handsomely constructed for the money.At it's price range you might talk the folks into arrows,glove and quiver!That stated I must echo whats already been said and that being, check the classifieds.It isn't the intent of fellow gangers to discourage you in the buying proccess it's just that such fine 2nd handers are available for that kind of loot.Just give MOM an extra hug and twist ole POP'S arm a little and they'll come around.Best wishes in your purchase and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Offline Brad Davis

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2010, 07:01:00 PM »
Im with the put a few couple hundred on top of what your folks are putting in crowd and look at a martin hunter.  Yes it may take a bit more time to save but they are a really good bow IMO. I used to have one when I started out and then saved for a custom. Both my brothers have newer grizzlies and I dont care for the grip at all. YMMV. I cant comment on the other bows but it's not up to me anyway. It's your call. Try as many as you can before you spend any money. If you are not happy in any way with you end up getting I doubt you will want to shoot it much at all. I have been there and done that. Keep an eye out in the classifieds. I hope you find what it is you are looking for. As they say...Buy once, cry once. Well at least for now. I commend your folks too for supporting your hobby. Some would just say you'll shoot your eye out kid. Then buy them some video games and such. Good luck with your pursuit.
Mommy, where does bacon come from??
Well, a pig sweetheart.
Well how does a pig lay bacon??
Cassie 5

Daddy, what season is it?
Well, winter season honey.
No! What "hunting" season is it!!
Cassie 8

Kids, ya gotta love'um!

Offline Brad Davis

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2010, 07:19:00 PM »
FWIW, Bear Grayling Super Kodiak in classifieds right now. Priced right and money left for arrows and BH's.
Mommy, where does bacon come from??
Well, a pig sweetheart.
Well how does a pig lay bacon??
Cassie 5

Daddy, what season is it?
Well, winter season honey.
No! What "hunting" season is it!!
Cassie 8

Kids, ya gotta love'um!

Offline damascusdave

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #25 on: December 13, 2010, 07:28:00 PM »
Originally posted by $bowhunter$:
yea i seen there on the classifides and i love to order a custom but my parents said they just want to go to cabelas or bow shop  to get it instead or messing with the internet. ive looked at 3 bows and am stuck on which and why. 1 bear grizzly hunter 2 martin x150 3 sammick red stag

i would like to hear some reviews and comments on all of them and others that would be a good reliable bow.
That is the biggest mistake you can possibly make in terms of bang for the buck. I see it happen all the time here and it makes me shudder.

In just bought a 66 inch Bear Kodiak Special through the internet for 66 dollars (hey just realized how lucky that bow will be). You could have 5 bows at that amount and still be within your budget. Shoot a 66 inch Kodiak Special and a Martin x150 side by side and see which one you would want to learn with. The KS will be far easier to learn to shoot well.

I set out a while ago to reduce my herd of 40 bows...And I am finally down to 42

Offline $bowhunter$

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2010, 07:48:00 PM »
can some1 with a samick red stag tell me if the bow begins stacking before 30" draw?
"SHOOT STRAIT" - something im still working twards

Offline DannyBows

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2010, 08:10:00 PM »
Lots of good advise here already, so I'll just give my review of the Red Stag. I had the 3pc Red Stag and it's a nice bow, and I can't imagine getting more bang for your buck. The finish was good, not custom quality, but good. It shot great. So nice it surprised me. I got it for a beater bow/back-up, maybe bowfishing. It shoots fast, accurate, and very quiet. I loved it. I'd still have it but I decided the troops in Afganistan could use it more that me. I'll probably get another for myself. I also have a Samick Night Hawk, which is a higher-end Samick, about $300 or so. Now the Night Hawk has a custom quality finish and is also a first class shooter. I just got a second set of limbs for it in a lighter weight. Both bows have excellent grips, the fit is great. The Red Stag is just a little smaller.
As stated earlier, at the price point of the Red Stag you would have bucks left over for gear. When you have more experience and know what you want and buy custom, it would make a good back-up bow, or loaner for when you shoot with friends. I wouldn't hesitate to hunt with it. The 3pc bow also gives you the option of getting heavier limbs if you move-up in weight.
I can't compare it to the other bows as I haven't shot them.
Whatever you decide I hope you enjoy it and shoot it well. Good On your parents for supporting your new hobby and have a great Christmas!   :archer2:
"Always feel the wind, and walk just like the leaves".  ("LongBow Country"--Chad Slagle, "High, Wild, and Free").

Offline SilverTip

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2010, 08:21:00 PM »
another vote for the Martin Savanna. Ive shot several and I think its the best production bow out there. but thats just my opinion.

If Jesus Christ guides your arrow, its really hard to miss.  Billy

Offline Squirrelbane

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2010, 11:12:00 PM »
Bear Grizzly

Offline Cootling

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #30 on: December 13, 2010, 11:50:00 PM »
If your price really is a firm $350 and you absolutely want a new bow, I suggest giving very careful consideration to a TradTech Pinnacle ILF riser ($249) with Black Max wood and glass limbs ($129).  If you don't like the Pinnacle, consider a used riser and new limbs.

Offline Buckeye Trad Hunter

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Re: which recurve? NEED OPPINIONS PLEASE
« Reply #31 on: December 14, 2010, 10:59:00 AM »
As you can see, bear montana, bear grizzly, red stag.  You can ask this a hundred times and you're going to get a hundred different answers.  If your parents will only let you go to a bow shop then take what you can getand don't worry about buying from the internet.  You would get a better bow for the money but that choice isn't yours to make if the folks don't want to go that route.  I do suggest that you go to whatever shops you can and shoot every bow that they have in your price range because the finest bow in the world to me may be little more than a useless hunk of wood to you, everyone has different prefferences.  I have no experience with any of these three bows but I did have a bear super K and that's the only bow I've let go that I wish I'd have kept.  You may be a little better served by rephrasing this question requesting only specific opinions of these three bows if they are the three you are down to.

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