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Author Topic: 104 # yote in MO??  (Read 5675 times)

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #100 on: December 17, 2010, 09:22:00 AM »
mudd, its called( tyson research park ). my cousin says he can here them howling sometimes if the wind is rite,its next to lone elk park...if thats any help,......and i would think that the dept. of conservation has there own labs for dna and stuff like that,..just guessing though,i know they use dna to catch poachers,an agent (freind) told me that.......(big game list)....thats a booner!

Offline Benha

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #101 on: December 17, 2010, 12:14:00 PM »
Looks like a Southern Kentucky cheek snapper to me. Have to retest the DNA to be sure though.

Offline flungonin

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #102 on: December 17, 2010, 07:57:00 PM »
Missouri just might be doing all of you a favor. By calling it a Coyote they are legally allowing these to be shot. Whats wrong with that? It's better than the northern states that have their hands tied and can't shoot the "coyote" that is devastating the wildgame herds at an alarming rate. Almost everyone on here with thier many years of experience and expertise agree on what this is thats called a coyote. Most would shoot it, be happy that DNR is really working on your side. This is a blessing in disguise. Loadem up boys and get you a doggy. I would go along with the Coyote theory/claim and shoot as many of those as possible. Because once the DNR claims Wolf, watch your wildgame numbers deplete and the politicians drag thier feet for years on getting them (WOLFS) delisted while wildgame goes down to enreturnable numbers.

Offline -Achilles-

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #103 on: December 18, 2010, 12:29:00 AM »
Legal or not I don't know any hunters that don't shoot coyotes in season or not.They would have to be endangered before I wouldnt shoot one.


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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #104 on: December 18, 2010, 12:39:00 AM »
Originally posted by -Achilles-:
Legal or not I don't know any hunters that don't shoot coyotes in season or not.They would have to be endangered before I wouldnt shoot one.
Coyote season is only closed for a short while during spring turkey season, then opens right back up immediately afterward.
That's doesn't stop anybody from killing them during turkey season though. That's when lots of them are shot just because so many hunters are in the woods at that time.......same goes for deer season, more hunters in the woods with guns and bows.
There are still a few of us die hards that go out during fall, winter, and even summer specifically to hunt for the mangy, deer killin' critters.
Studies have shown that coyote eat more newborn fawns than originally expected, they also destroy the spring hatch for ground nesting birds.....the eat more eggs than birds.
I like my turkey, deer, and rabbits........so coyote are always on my to do list.
~Varitas Vos Liberabit~ John 8:32

Offline Longbow Jake

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #105 on: December 18, 2010, 06:54:00 AM »
Yeah Mudd I heard about something like that awhile back where they were trying to kill off all mixed coyote mixed with red wolves, cause pure red wolves were dang near gone We thinking of the same thing?
Death Before Dinner.  God is my camera man.   I Love Motorcycles and I Love Bow Hunting But I don't Mix The two I don't put wheels on my Bows

Offline Precurve

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #106 on: December 18, 2010, 07:15:00 AM »
I saw two of these in our recent gun deer season and they all looked exactly like this 104# "coyote".  Up here we call them Grey Wolves.


Offline highpoint forge

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #107 on: December 18, 2010, 02:02:00 PM »
Ummmm....there's about four of those in my neighborhood, all on leashes.

Can you say pissed off dog owner?
Black Widow PSAX Bocote 57# @28, 58 AMO
Black Widow PLX Tiger Myrtle 60# @28, 64 AMO
J.D. Berry Osage Argos 60# @28, 66 AMO

Offline buckeye_hunter

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #108 on: December 18, 2010, 02:12:00 PM »
I went to the article online and looked at the picture. I expected to see a large coyote.

I have seen many coyotes and NEVER one that looked like that. He looked like a wolf to me..... Just sayin'

If I had shot that, I would honestly say I shot a wolf or someone's mix breed.

Just my 2 cents.. Did you guys get to see the pic? Here is the link.


Offline highpoint forge

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Re: 104 # yote in MO??
« Reply #109 on: December 18, 2010, 02:22:00 PM »
Last fishing trip on the Gallatin and Soda Butte Rivers in MT I had a white wolf come up within 50 yds of me and was just watching me (I had no idea he was there), according to my fishing buddy who told me to turn around. I did. That thing ran off and went straight up a steep hill leading up a mountain. It was freakin' big.
Black Widow PSAX Bocote 57# @28, 58 AMO
Black Widow PLX Tiger Myrtle 60# @28, 64 AMO
J.D. Berry Osage Argos 60# @28, 66 AMO

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