Hmmm, three times the weight of a coyote, ears rounder than that of a coyote, muzzle broader than a coyote, legs longer than most coyotes...yup, it must be a coyote. No government agency would give false information. We didn't have mountain lions in Iowa either, until a couple of them got shot. Pictures, tracks and scat didn't convince our DNR that there were mountain lions here. If there were mountain lions, the DNR would have to manage them.
Nope that's definitely not a wolf. It just resembles one in size and shape, but it can't be a wolf because the Missouri DNR says it's not a wolf. Wolves are protected in Missouri because there aren't any.
Oh, did I mention I have a large tract of beach front property just north of Phoenix that I would like to sell?
Sorry, but my BS detector went off on that one.
I am in complete agreement with Semo on this one. I've hunted them in Iowa for 40+ years and have never seen one that large. I did see a wolf in Minnesota though and the similarities to those pictures is truly striking.