I've laid off the stand for a few days. It's a fixed stand built wood platform with built wood ladder. Last week when I first suspected they might be on to me I tried standing on the ground behind a big tree and some brush 15 or 20 yards from the stand but as their luck would have it this time they came in from behind me downwind and smelled me. There are some perfect trees for a climbing stand in a good postion for an ambush but I don't have a climbing stand and I have so much stuff already I'm overflowing into the yard.... a Kentucky tradition...but I'm from Pennsylvania....I can't bring myself to throwing more money at a problem. I'm wondering if I'm hoarder of sporting goods anyway...bows, arrows, fishing rods, guns all out the ying yang, and tools and lawn mowers a plenty, 2 cars, motorcycle, truck. I only get away with this because I live alone. I've been asking around to borrow a climber. I have one more person to ask. I know he has a stand he got too heavy to use safely but I don't know if it's a climber. I might get it anyway if it is a fix stand I'll build a ladder....I forgot to mention I hoard lumber too:-)