I saw that video a long time ago Guido.
That guy put deer scent all over his body just to see if he could provoke a whitetail into attacking him.........I guess it worked, maybe a little too well?
He's an idiot in my opinion. He could have gotten killed and it tells you right on the bottle of scent "Do Not Put on Clothing or Body"
There was a true story one time in Outdoor Life magazine I believe, where a 10yr. old boy was attacked by a whitetail buck while squirrel hunting. The buck hooked him under the strap of his bib overalls and carried him through the woods until his father heard him screaming and came to help. The father managed to chase them down and get his boy free of the bucks headgear.
They think that the blood on the boy's bibs from the squirrels he had killed is what provoked the deer to attack? Who knows, but it happens occasionally.
I can't seem to get one close enough to attack me, one whiff and they all run away!