I had gotten in front of a couple of canoers who had left just before me and had pulled into Barn Hollow campground about 1:00 to hunt up the hollow. When I got back they were just pulling in. They asked me if I had shot anything and I told them no. They said they had just passed a deer that had been shot and was on river right that was still alive but laying against a steep bank. I said how far back up river and they told me 5-10 minutes. I paddled back up the flat stretch and pulled my boat through a shoal to the next flat stretch and there she was laying against the bank, barely breathing. I only had my last archery tag with me and didn't want to use it on her so I didn't shoot her with my bow. Slit her throat, told her I was sorry, and gutted her out. She had been gut shot and the intestines had plugged the holes. I took her to my truck and put my muzzeloading tag on her (was hunting for a co-worker some meat and didn't really care if I shot one with the gun or not). Other than having a little of that red bile looking blood in her I couldn't see anywhere the bullet had tore open the intestines or stomach. She was a gift!!! No telling how far she had come and I wasn't going to just leave her there to go to waste.
Those eagles are amazing and you forget just how big they are until the take off flying.