If you think the 62 inch recurve is nice to shoot, try a true longer recurve. In my opinion anything 62 inches and under is a "SHORT" recurve, 64 is medium, and over 64 is truly a "LONG" recurve bow. There is a reason the old target recurves from the 60's and 70's were virtually all 66 and more inches long.
I'm 5ft 6in tall (on a good day), I'm pretty broad thru the beam and draw a true 29 1/2 inches with a recurve, though. I shot 64 inch recurves for years, but I went to an old Jack Howard Jet this fall at 66 inches and it is a beauty! For the record, I've NEVER had a problem hunting with longer recurves from treestands (95% of my hunting) and in ground blinds I just make sure I have the room (like Joe said, get the "recurve model").