Well, since getting back into trad I've shot a Morrison takedown. My Cheyenne and Shawnee have been my "go to" bow for the past 4-years. It's a bow that you feel like you can hit anything with everytime you pick it up(except those S.C pigs!lol)Now I've played with several longbows in search of one that I really like and shoot good. Back up bow per say. I must say I've not had a bad looking one and they all shot pretty good for me. For one reason or another I've sold them all and my quest continues.
A few months ago I tried a Morrison Dakota and really liked it. Never shot it much due to being in mid season and I don't switch bows in mid season. But the last couple weeks found me shooting this bow when the chance arose. The more I shot my longbow, the more I liked the feel. Not just because it's a Morrison,but because the longbow in general started to feel good in my hands. I've always been a recurve guy probably because I shot them so well. I'm gaining that confidence with this longbow now.
Anyhow,not sure where this might lead, but if this is any indication, I unstrung the recurve today and broke it down. Time will tell.
I guess I've rambled enough. Time to go to work.