The new Limited Edition Hill “Robin Hood” was announced on Dec. 2. It’s a bamboo back over four lams of yew with a Texas Ebony riser and sterling silver Robin Hood hat inlay, mammoth ivory tips over Texas Ebony. I hadn’t treated myself to a new Hill since I sold most of my Hill collection a couple of years ago to fit out my shop so I could build my own bows. When I saw this I said, “Merry Christmas!”
I got my order right in and was fortunate to get #4. (The first three of all Limited Editions are reserved. Gosh, I wonder why?) Naturally, I then started the period of anxious waiting. Craig said he would be able to get my bow out by early in the New Year. Much to my surprise, on Dec. 23 the postman came to the door with the long thin cardboard box. I had ordered some special bamboo laminations for a bow I was making, so I assumed it was them. Whoa! Wrong assumption! It was my new Robin Hood!
I wish I could have gotten gorgeous pictures in natural light, but you need scuba gear to even walk out to the car in rain we’re having, so it had to be indoor, but here are the pictures…
Black elk wrap on Texas Ebony riser, silver Robin Hood hat inlay
Closeup of inlay
Bamboo back. You can actually see the nodes, just not in this light. Color is a nice creamy yellow, again not shown well in this pic.
Mammoth ivory tip over Texas Ebony
I put it on the scale, where it showed 32@28 and 28@25 (my draw). I had asked for 25 to 30, so this is on target. Within about ten minutes I had a nock on it and was shooting. (The photos came later!) Unfortunately, the shooting was indoors, for the same reason as the photos were. I guessed at 1616 arrows, warmed up a little then shot an end to see just what I had. It stacked them in just fine. As far as I could tell at a short indoor range, the arrows were flying well. I'll have to get it outdoors to really give it a workout. According to the present weather reports, that may be Spring!
There you have my first new Hill in a couple of years, and a very, very nice one indeed. It's a proud addition to my rack.