Ok, great. I'm not the only one. I'll post what I've done so far for those that might want to try it for the first time. Then we can get into how to find the deer hotspots which is what I need help with.
The first thing I did was go to:
Google Earth Download Page and down load the latest version of Google Earth. It works for both Mac and PC. It wouldn't be a waste of time to watch some tutorials but I know reading directions isn't fun for all of us...
Next I went to my state Dept of Fish and Game (TWRA here in TN) and found a link for a file that contained the maps for all of the WMA's (Wildlife Management Areas) in electronic (GIS) format. What you need to find is a file/link that has .kml (or kmz.) as the extension. Here is it for TN:
TN WMA Maps Overlay When you click on the link it will download and you'll have the option to open it directly in Google Earth. That's the way I do it.
The Next thing I want to know is who else (besides the state) owns nearby property. I know this WMA is on Maury County so I do a Google search for Maury County tax Maps....Well look what we got here:
Maury County Assessors Office Down on the left is a link to Maury County Maps. Click on that and your looking at a map of who owns what.
Sidebar: There's way to much info on the internet but my theory is if someone really wants to kill me they aren't going to do it via Google.
Now I'm not as tricky as some guys, I haven't figured out how to electronically overlay the tax map onto Google earth (because it's not a .kml) but I can go back and forth between the two maps and see who owns adjoining lands. But I have created a file of the WMA that I'm going to hunt that will open in Google Earth so you can see it. Go here:
Yanahli WMA.kmz You'll need to click on Yanahli WMA.kmz. There might be a cleaner way to share this with you but I don't know how. If I could attach a file to this post I could do it. Once that files opens in Google your looking at the WMA I want to hunt.
Ok, who's still here? PM me if I lost you and I'll try to provide more help.
Next up we can start talking about how to but all this whiz bang to work for us.