This is good discussion, and something most folks don't pay enough attention to...
1. As far as the "void" above the spine....I'm pretty sure it's been proven that there isn't one. On a healthy deer with working lungs and pressure from the diaphram...the cavity is full. Think about your own chest/lungs...if there was room in there for your lungs to move around, we'd certainly feel it and would lead to all kind of injuries from activity and contact. I'm pretty sure it's the same with experience...
Tracy's deer was hit a little back and too low. We've talked a lot about it. If he'd would have hit 2 inches higher...he would have walked up on a dead deer that morning.
2. As far as the spine being halfway down the body thru the chest....
Here are some pix from my doe I butchered today...
As you can see, in this first pic, I have the tape across the shoulder area, further forward than we like to hit. Even there, the spine is not at the halfway point. The chest is 12" deep, which puts the center at 6", and the bottom of the spinal bones are at 4.5"...
In this pic, the tape is right about where we like to hit them,tight to the front leg. The chest here is about 13", which puts the center at 6.5", bottom of the spinal bones are at 4". A full 2.5" higher than center...
Good stuff!!