The bowyers at Bear have a very strong connection to Mr. Bear and his bowyers. They do know how to make the bows. However, I imgaine the parent company (Escalade) has something to say about product lines, quality of production, research and development, etc.
I have two Supremes (TD) and I think they are terrific. I haven't liked any of the 1-pieces since the late 60's. However, I think the new (green-glass) Super K looks good. I'll likely by an A riser TD or the Super K in a few months.
I was recently at a meeting of the ATA. I asked a panel of vendors about the current popularity of traditional archery. I was very disappointed and surprised in their obvioius lack of interest in the subject. They reported that traditional sales continue to be stagnant. I thought "we" were on the upsurge?
I think the archery manufacturors are less than enthused with traditional archery because we don't buy much "stuff" with our bows. We don't buy sights, release aids, stabilizers, bow handles, straps, any number of countless other gizmos and gadgets. Many of us would rather make our accessories than buy em off the shelf.
The thing I've seen that we do is speak up for our passion to bowhunt more than other groups of hunters.