This is the warning label that was written on my new pack of Eclipse broadheads. :D

I've always been a three blade fan, but recently, I've been wanting to try a 2/4 blade broadhead. With all the recent talk about Eclipse broadheads, I decided to give them a try.
I ordered a pack of 125's and glued in 75gr. steel adapters for a total weight of 200gr. I was impressed with the craftmanship of these broadheads. The teflon coating was pretty "slick". While gluing up my broadheads, I spun each one, and each one spun true. I'm not the greatest at sharpening blades, but it took me only a few minutes per edge to get them shaving sharp.
I was fortunate enough to get to put this "warning label" to the test on a recent hunting trip to Maui.......