It seems at times that we deal with one loss after another. We've all heard about several recent notable people...good people...who've left us. Bill Krenz, Chris Surtees, Glenn St Charles, and of course the list could go on on and on. Chances are YOU'VE lost someone notable and important in your life sometime in the recent past. Chances also are, you're feeling it just a bit stronger these days.
The holidays often bring these losses back into our conciousness. I know when we sit down to our dinners, there are several beloved "empty chairs" in our minds. Maybe that's one of the good things about the holidays. As we gain in maturity, we also gain in perspective. We recognize that these missing people have given us far more than we've given to them. In a way, their deaths serve to make us better men and women. They have given to us their entire lifetimes, but losing them is often the very lens that brings this into sharp focus.
Take a minute here. Post a picture in remembrance, and tell us a brief story about someone. Try to tie it to your traditional bowhunting pursuits somehow. Let's never forget!
My father died over 2-1/2 years ago. We spent much time together, but not enough either. He is 100% the reason I love the outdoor sporting life so much. He bought and hunted with an old red-glass Bear Polar back in the 60s. I still have that bow with me. He was by my side when I bought my first real recurve bow, arrows and accessories. I was 15 and had worked all summer to earn the money. Here is a picture of him taken in Arizona circa 1959 or so. He was an accomplished horseman, and participated in many rodeos. I love you Dad!