My first deer of the season. Been a long tough season with many campfire tales gathered to tell. Been holding out on the does but just had to shoot one tonight as I am out of jalapeno summer sausage.
Here is where my evening began at 1:30 this afternoon. At 2:15 a willing doe came through crunching on acorns. She got a little to close and looked away so what's a man to do?
Here is what I found the first place she stopped at about 80 yards out.
Her first bed at about 100 yards from the tree.
And her final resting spot about 3 yards past her first bed.
Have never used Woodsman broad heads so I bought some and have been packing one in my quiver just to see what all the fuss was about. This doe was 10 yards from my tree and quartering slightly to me. The Woodsman hit her perfect but did not poke through the opposite side as it hit her opposite leg bone. I'm shooting 50lbs @ 28 and bet I only 3/4 drew as it was very cold. Massive blood trail for a high lung entry hit with no exit hole. Very impressed with the Woodsman Elites.