I use the supplied rope that goes around the tree with a safety hook that attaches to my harness. Not sure what it`s called, but you adjust it and slide it up. Climb a stroke, and adjust it again. At no time am I NOT tethered to the tree. With practice, it can be done very quietly.
Climbing into position is something that should be done slowly and quietly anyway. As you climb, you can survey the area and find the best height for shot clearance.
I`m kind of shocked to hear of anyone waiting until they are done climbing to get hooked to the tree. It really doesn`t take anything extra to advance the rope as you go up. PLUS, it keeps you going slow and quiet.
I have always stalked my way into position, and climbed as quietly as possible. I have gotten to my desired height and had deer within sight immediately, many times through the years.
I have a few fixed position stands that I still use. When using those, there is a rope tied above the stand that comes down to ground level that uses the same slip knot and hook system to prevent a fall to the ground if something were to happen when getting into them.
I have heard that most accidents happen while getting in or out of stands. Just a bit more effort can prevent tragedy.