Imagine what it was like for primitive man...where what he did, meant food for his family or empty bellies.
The difference between your wheel bow, and your longbow, is the wheels tell you when you are at full draw, and the sights get you on target.
Your longbow is at full draw when YOU say it is, and when you are on target it is because YOU are doing the alignment.
When a shot opportunity arrives, you simply rely on your confidence gained through practice.
Do NOT allow any worries of a miss or a bad hit into your mind. Be confident.
A shot opportunity is when an animal is within your effective range, is at a good angle to get both lungs, and is unaware of your presence.
After a 17 year layoff, you came back with a longbow because you wanted "more" out if it right? If it`s "more" you`s "MORE" you got!!!