Thanks for all the help so far folks. I guess I ought to think about hunting different areas.
Just a few clarifications...
The 'Wind' arrow was supposed to point in the direction of the prevailing wind across the peninsula. I've avoided that side altogether as I didn't want to stink up the bedding areas.
I may have understated the size of the area. After doing a few quick sums, it's nearer 90 acres than 50!
The thick wooded areas you can see around the perimiter of the peninsula are very, very steep slopes. The centre-line of the peninsula is about 600 feet above the water level.
We have seen absolutly no tracks running along the slopes (there is one small 'bench' running along the extreme North shore that's had a little activity) only up & down & even then, not many.
We jumped lots & lots of deer in the honeysuckles whilst scouting, both in the mornings & afternoons, so we know they're there. We've also seen 4 different bucks (a 10 point that my go 150ish, 2 8 pointers & a sixer, right on the very tip of the peninsula (whilst bass fishing earlier in the year)
It's a ½ hour drive, ½ hour boat ride from my house, plus the time it takes to get to my stand (20 minutes, give or take, so I don't make too much noise or get to sweaty) so I'm favoring late morning or afternoon hunts. Sunup is around 5:45 & getting up at 3:30 in 20º weather is as much fun as it sounds!