As 2010 comes to a close it starts me thinking of everything that needs to be done to begin 2011. Tax time will be here soon, health insurance has been renewed, magazine subscriptions. Ha ! MY TRAD-GANG CONTRIBUTOR MEMBERSHIP!!!
Folks, no one here pushes it and it is not required and it isn't for everyone. I myself like to toss in my $20 every year as just a token of my thanks for what I derive from this wonderful site.The entertainment and educational benefits that I find here are tremendous.It isn't uncommon today to find magazine subscriptions running $30 and up. I can generally read one in a couple hours if that. Trad Gang is here and new everyday. Usually there is not a day that goes by that I am not on here.The members and the folks that run Trad Gang are what makes it the greatest site on the web bar none. I noticed last year that many didn't realize that there was a way for those that wanted to contribute to do so.
Anyway, Terry, Rob, and the mods, thanks for all you guys do to make this such a great place and my check for $20 is in the mail. Best money I spend all year!!
Take care,