Originally posted by dick sable:
IMHO, respect for the animal should be paramount.
There are plenty of rabbits, squirrels and the like to kill - -
I'm trying to see if you actually meant we need to respect big game and not small game with the shots we take?
Personally I dont see how a deer has any more sentient value than a ground squirrel or a zucchini. Therefore we need to make a conscious effort to make quick and ethical kills in any given circumstance.
if the shot is not a high percentage shot, it should not be taken. Period. If given data, past experiences and testing conclude, your bow weight is not enough; it should not be used. Period.
I will stand back and allow other people determine what weight is not enough. It seems as if these arguments always have a sliding scale of what is and what isn't based on peoples personal opinion.
I know my set up is sufficient. May mistakes happen? Yes! that is natures way.
I see squirrels fall out of trees by accident. I see pike miss or maim their prey by accident. I see deer and goats that fall off cliffs, by accident. So if a twig deflects and arrow that you did not see, or an elephant jumps your string and the shot placement is poor; it happens. It doesn't make you feel any better but we chose our weaponry and our limitations.
I am not jumping down Dicks throat as I'm not sure I interpreted his post correctly. This debate over weight is wishy, washy and will never go away. Its like abortion and religious debates. There are far to many people with opinions. There may not be a right answer.
This is why, any one who wants to attack my stance, go ahead because I know I am right.... And so are you !

And further more, I would probably still share camp with you.