just to put my thoughts out there , as a new trad archer and later today a trad hunter , but a gun/wheelie bow hunter. there were disciplines instilled in me by my father.
he taught me to respect your animal's life. use the right equipment for the circumstances. and if you dont have a good shot , dont shoot.
i have never had an issue . i have also never shot a deer. seen a bunch , but i was never fully confident in the shot , so i didnt take it.
at the end of the day , if you wound an animal , you track it till you find it. you owe it to that animal. if you dont track it , youre the one who has to live with that decision . if i see a wounded animal , i pu it out of its misery (i have done this twice , but i dont consider it getting an animal hunting).
as far as poundage of bows , i dont want to speculate what is a good draw weight , because there are so many other factors. like has been said before , id rather you shoot a 45# bow that you can bullseye every time , opposed to a 60lb bow you cant even hold form when drawn...